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I am studying Tech Governance since 1992 and focusing on artificial intelligence (AI) since 2018. I am heavily  introducing the axis of poli...

Wednesday 28 June 2023


"Chat GPT will be soon integrated into Windows with Copilot" this is the lead from the course I took on June 28th under the aegis of the International Science Council, with Nick Scott  ISC senior consultant and Zhenya Tsoy as ISC conductor. We have been learning on the use of ChatGPT for science. Below you find my notes.

"Since the launch of ChatGPT in November 2022, the hype around generative AI (artificial intelligence) has been immense. Products that can automatically generate text, images and video when prompted to do so are being discussed as a game-changer for organizations and society at large. Generative AI promises organizations and their staff a route to increase their productivity, supporting them in automating – or at least delivering more quickly and easily – many important regular tasks. At the request of ISC Members, ISC has organized a practical workshop to create a safe space for experimentation and explore how the most popular tool – ChatGPT – can be used in our everyday work. The ISC senior consultant Nick Scott has shared insights on how to work around technical capabilities and limitations of the tool, what makes for an effective prompt, and answered practical questions around the use of ChatGPT."

An individual language learner (LLM model)

Chat GPT is more capable of being an assistant for us in our work. 


  • Give Chat GPT a role: roles give Chat GPT what role to play: "Hellow, Act as a consultant and trainer, with a specialism in digital and AI"
  • Give ChatGPT CONTEXT: content and detailed background información, such as background info. 
  • I can tell CONVERSE, chat and respond in order to make sure that it understands. Tell it the strong and weak points in the answer. 
  • FOCUS: on the areas of your expertise. If it is not in your area, it will be difficult to see true.
  • POLITE: gets better results
  • GUIDE: Tell what you want
  • SEPARATE chat by topic

  • LATERAL THINKING is a strength of ChatGPT. This includes videos for instance, not only texts, poems, tables, telling stories in different ways for different audiences or in the way of a particular person/politician.
  • AI, generative AI as a subset of AI, Large Language models, GPT (an specific language model)

- Breaking a task into two tasks or steeps: first making a text more understandable "Please rewrite this text in simple understandable plain english, readable to a ..."
- Help with preparations for a performance review meeting, -pay rise- with a boss.

Limitations and risks

  • Bias content, ie. more men
  • Copyright, that may be a concern with info consumed and produced
  • Misuse for misinformation and disinformation. The model can create both, it can create to deceive
  • Cut out of data since 2021, no Internet access, Eager to please so, it makes stuff up. 
  • Data privacy, in the chat history and training button should anonymize for personal information. Be very careful of what you put, it will consume it unless you have the button off
  • You will not be getting the same answer twice
  • Free version in often inaccessible
  • Limited memory

Friday 23 June 2023


I present you my work, available for download, on artificial intelligence in China:"Artificial Intelligence: From a General Framework of Analysis to the Chinese Case." The article is available here: https://osf.io/q3sb7/.

A framework elaborated from political theory, a branch of philosophy

And it is open for comments. In this work, a general framework for the analysis of governance of artificial intelligence is presented. I develop dashboard that allows comparisons between democratic and non democratic regimes. This adshboard is useful for countries in the global south and for western countries. The dashboard allows us to assess the key features that determine the governance model for artificial intelligence at the national level, for local governments and for other participant actors. The work shows the theoretical framework could be of use to advance case studies globally, and comparative endeavors. Applying the theoretical dashboard, the case study on China is undertaken. These are the main points the study tackles in the final discussion, conclusion and further recommendations: 1) the complex reality of AI command and control 2) uncertainties about future society and the polity against AI development and 3) particular cultural values enshrined in countries' AI development.

Please, be free to send me comment to my email address, if interested at olgagil at ucm dot es, or writing comments to this post.

Other related posts:
Artificial intelligence in Madrid at #FIBK: Link 

Thursday 22 June 2023


Social networks are a great way to connect and communicate with people around the world. A sample is this presentation, out of the work that I was then doing at Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, jointly with a team from Colegio Oficial de Ingenieros de Telecomunicación (COIT). 

The presentation was pathbreaking 

Because it allowed to engage in conversations with very interesting people abroad, from developers to Ministers. For instance, people I did not expect wrote me; this included the minister of innovation in Taiwan, developers and journalists in Malaysia, researchers in Japan, researchers in Fudan university and Shenzhen (China), and middle size cities and the press in Spain, or the Fundación para la Innovación Bankinter and their program on cities hold in Sintra, with a very interesting group of global and Iberian participans, producing the report Disruptive Cities.

This presentation was also pathbreaking

It allowed me, my team and COIT to make an impact through specific local, national and international roadshows. Spain was known as a case of interest, through the cases shown. This research work had the power to change a rhetoric of crisis, and turn it into the strengths, speaking of Spanish firms and local governments aiming at becoming either global players or playing a role in the XXI century. Ones did it for the good of shattered citizens by the 2008 crisis, other did it for shattered workers and firm survival.

My international roadshows covered Poland, Lisbon, Shanghai, Barcelona, cities in China, Japan, the Netherlands and the Middle East. Most importantly, the work was done talking about innovative firms and local cities in Spain, in a comparative perspective with other 11 cities of the world from three different continents. 

This was made possible with the collaboration of Colegio Oficial de Ingenieros de Telecomunicación and Accenture Spain, enthusiasts of the project. It also helped the fact that I had been able to collaborate in the first work on smart cities produced in Spain, a great prospective work, edited by Fundación Telefónica.

And yes, I do highly recommend social media to reach global audiences for branding purposes 

How efective it might be? We may check how many leads receive a sister post I made for LinkedIn here. In fact, branding for global audiences is a subject I have covered in some of my most innovative courses at universities and business schools with young students and junior researchers. 

A book published in 2015 was source to other more recent works 

It opened me the door to joint the The Smart Cities and Smart Governments Research-Practice Consortium (SCSG) at Albany University, New York. The SCSG is a robust global smart cities research community that focuses on innovations in technology, management, and policy that change the fabric of the world’s cities. There, under the lead of Prof. Theresa Pardo and other great scholars such as Mila Gascó, an also path breaking book has been produced: "Smart Cities and Smart Governance: Towards the 22nd Century Sustainable City." Professors Elsa Estevez, Theresa A. Pardo and Hans Jochen Scholl have been the editors. And I highly recommend this work. The The Smart Cities and Smart Governments Research-Practice Consortium:

  • Formally connects those engaged in cutting-edge research on smart cities
  • Supports the development of a connected smart cities research community
  • Creates a foundation for interdisciplinary and multi-national research teams
  • Provides a network to support knowledge sharing

Work on China and the Mediterranean basin

This work on smart cities has been completed with field research on cities in China mainland, and with  recent publication in a A+ journal. 

  1. The work done on China is yet pending of written and video-photo edition. 
  2. However, it has had follow up collaborations with colleagues at Universidad Complutense School of Politics, were we have researched and published on measures adopted by Mediterranean and Portuguese coastal cities to face climate change -- together with Profs. Xira Ruiz-Campillo and y Cristina García Fernández and working for Profs. Walter Leal Filho and Evangelos Manolas.
  3. Under the aegis of ICCA, we worked on a special congress in November 2022, where I chair COVID and postcovid: energía, medioambiente, sostenibilidad y tecnología. Contributions from scientists, young researchers, institutions and firms are actively encouraged, so as to build bridges among research and positive impacts on society.
And you may think how this all come about to write this post...

This all came over a conversation with my colleague, a journalist with a strong skill communication and engaging in grounded and compelling projects: with a breath of understanding about how the world today moves and works. I also shall say that people, women associations and firms I worked for where very important to develop the skills I have as global communicator. Thank you, Ana for you trust, Javier for your training, and Pascale for your mentoring.

An evolution of the presentation: Gil Zheng Smart Shanghai, en Olga Gil, PhD

Thursday 8 June 2023


THIS WEEK I have made special time in my agenda and cancelled trips in advanced for upscale meetings discussing artificial intelligence in Madrid, including #FIBK. TODAY, coinciding and Celebrating Fundacion Innovación Bankinter 20th anniversary at Cine Callao in Madrid, Prof. Antonio Damasio concluded his very well informed and provocative talk with these words --and explains us why: "It is going to be difficult to produce or reproduce the connections we find in the human body and mind in an artificial intelligence." This is so interesting from the perspective of biology, philosophy, political theory and psychology. 


He venido a celebrar el 20 aniversario de #FIBK junto a los miembros de la Fundación. La Fundación Innovación Bankinter permite acceder a una red de expertos con credibilidad en ámbitos muy diversos: filosofía, ética, quantum, y muchos otros. Recomiendo los vídeos en YouTube sobre computación cuántica e inteligencia artificial para los interesados en innovación. Desde 2015 he colaborado en programas de la Fundación Innovación Bankinter, comenzando por el programa Akademia, que ha marcado mi forma de impartir docencia. Trabajo en la Universidad Complutense de Madrid, imparto la asignatura Ideas Políticas y Poder y dirijo trabajos de investigación sobre inteligencia artificial generativa desde una perspectiva transversal. 


Es trabajar sobre tendencias del futuro. Anticipar tendencias es importante para mí para preparar a los jóvenes para un mundo en cambio, que se mueve. Me interesan las tendencias del futuro #FIBK. Anticipar tendencias es importante para mí para preparar a los jóvenes al mundo en cambio, que se mueve. Este interés coincide con el objetivo de la Fundación Innovación Bankinter de diseminar conocimiento en la sociedad. 

En sólo unos minutos he tenido ocasión de saludarles, de agradecer que me hayan invitado, de saludar y charlar sobre AI con la Dra. Lourdes Casanova - Directora del Emerging Markets Institute en Cornell University, donde os recomiendo que exploréis especialmente los informes sobre mercados emergentes. También he saludado a Donmig Chen, Rector de la Escuela de Innovación y Emprendimiento en la Universidad de Peking. He escuchado atenta a Jens Schulte-Bokum, Director de Operaciones en MTN Group, y a Ángel Cabrera, Presidente en Georgia Institute of Technology, entre otros. Vengo a aprender con humildad, una vez más, del ecosistema de innovación que ha generado la Fundación Innovación Bankinter. Enhorabuena a los organizadores y muchas gracias por la invitación.

Os destaco la intensidad de este encuentro: un ejemplo es cómo viven la celebración los estudiantes que han participado en el programa Akademia que han venido de distintas universidades españolas. 

Este es uno de los programas de la Fundación Innovación Bankinter. Esta tarde me ilusiona pensar que pueda firmarme su libro, Sentir y Saber, Antonio Damasio. El libro se publica en 2021 en España por Destino. Damasio es neurocientífico, Profesor de la cátedra David Dornsife de Psicología, Neurociencia y Neurología en Universidad del Sur de California. Dirige el Instituto del Cerebro y la Creatividad de la Universidad del Sur de de California en Los Ángeles. Ha hecho aportaciones fundamentales sobre los procesos cerebrales, los sentimientos y la consciencia. Es considerado uno de los neurocientíficos más importantes de nuestra época.

En este post hilvano algunas ideas que publiqué en LinkedIn el día del encuentro, y que han recibido más repercusión y transferencia a la sociedad. Estás invitado a incluir tus comentarios sobre inteligencia artificial en esta entrada de blog.

Congrats to the #FIBK souls and organizers, including Marce Cancho and Raquel Puente. Key notes very well chosen and a great day for all of us who admire and followed the work at #FIBK all these years.


#ai #research #philosophy #politicaltheory

Friday 2 June 2023


Estos son los libros que recomiendo a mis estudiantes de primer curso, tercero y master, para regalarse buenas lecturas y compartir el libro una vez acabado el semestre:
  • Frankopan, las nuevas rutas de la seda Enlace
  • Tim Marshall, prisioneros de la geografía Enlace
  • Los señores de las Finanzas, de Liaquat Ahamed Enlace

Informes recomendados

Entre los audios recomendados
      • También recomiendo este audiovideo de mi colección sobre El Poder:
Audiovideo contextual, el poder en el siglo XX y retos del siglo XXI (35 mn.), para escuchar a modo de podcast